
Design Questionnaire

The purpose of the questionnaire is to help researcher to find out the consumer behavior of Fair Trade and to explore strategies that may adopt to develop Fair Trade business. Researchers adopted Survey Monkey that is free online survey software and questionnaire tool. The questionnaire consists of 10 closed-end questions. The survey link as follow: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WQJVCGZ

Consumer Attitude of Fair Trade Questionnaire


1.    Education Level

      A Secondary School or below

      B High school/High Diploma/Associate Degree

      C Bachelor

      D Master

      E Doctor or above

2.    Revenue per month

A £1000 below     

B £1000 - £2000    

C £2001 - £3000    

D £3001 - £4000     

E £4001 - £5000     

F £5000 above


3.    How do you get information about Fair Trade?

A Family

B Friends

C Internet

D Advertisement

E School and University

F Others


4.    Please rate awareness of the Fair Trade products purchased at store.

A Not at all aware      B Somewhat aware      C very aware


5.    How many Fair Trade products have you purchased in 2012?

A Less than 2      B 2 – 8      C Over 8


6.    Which of the following options would best help remind you of the option of buying Fair Trade products?

     A High visibility signage

     B Better education on what Fair Trade is

     C A friendly reminder from the cashier

     D Others

7.     What would be a major reason for NOT buying a Fair Trade product?


A Too costly

     B Don't know what Fair Trade is

     C Lack of trust in Fair Trade certifiers

     D "Slipped my mind"

     E Disagree with Fair Trade Vision

     F Others

8.    What’s your attitude towards development of Fair Trade? 

      A Support      B Against      C Neutral

9.     In what way, do you expect for the development of Fair Trade products?

     A Technology innovation

     B Raw material recycling

     C Utilization of environmental materials

     D Handicraft

     E All of above

10. Will you publicize the concept of Fair Trade to your friends in the future?

A Yes      B No

